LASIK (Laser-Assisted-In-Situ Keratomileusis) is currently one of the most frequently performed elective procedures for referactive corrections all over the world.. It is a highly effective outpatient procedure that is suitable for most low, moderate DIGREE OF MYOPIA AND HYPERMETROPIA OR HYPEROPIA. LASIK uses a cool beam of light from the excimer laser to gently reshape the front surface (cornea) of your eye.
The LASIK Procedure
  • The LASIK Procedure Anesthetic drops are applied to the eye.
  • A flap is created and gently lifted by the surgeon, revealing the inner corneal tissue.
  • Computer-controlled pulses of cool laser light are applied to the inner layers of your cornea. As the laser pulses, it makes a ticking sound. The inner corneal layer is reshaped with the laser to mimic your contact lens or glasses prescription.
  • The surgeon gently replaces the flap and aligns it to its original position. It heals naturally and securely.
  • Some patients may feel slight irritation for a few hours, but most are quite comfortable after a nap and rest.
A procedure called photo referactive keratactomy or PRK is done inwhich flap is not created and laser is given after removel of epitilium and bandage lens is applied for about a week.